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Information for Referring Physicians
SMS provides unparalleled expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders. Sleep testing is provided in a dedicated area conducive to a quality night’s sleep and a positive patient experience.
Our goal is for the referral process to be as streamlined as possible. Simply complete the sleep study order form below, along with a copy of the patient’s last two office notes and demographics/insurance information, and fax to 501.224.5208. SMS will take care of insurance verification, prior authorization and patient scheduling. You will receive a fax confirmation verifying your patient’s appointment date and time.
Studies will be performed by a registered polysomnographic technologist and interpreted by a board-certified sleep medicine physician. Final reports will be sent to your office within 10 business days. If your patient tests positive for obstructive sleep apnea, they will be scheduled for a titration study.
SMS works directly with local DME companies to provide CPAP set-up as needed. SMS nurse practitioners will offer post evaluation follow up and patient management of sleep disorders. They will also accept patients for initial evaluation of sleep disorders.
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